Sunday, May 29, 2005

Today is lazy day Sunday

Today is Sunday. My first paper is on Tuesday. Economics is fun =P.

Anyway, I came across this a few days back. Another blogger did her entry on this actually, so I got to the link and checked it out. In fact, Hanisah and me has come upon the real thing once when we were in Midvalley. The price is on the cheap side, maybe implying that there is a lack of demand for it compared to the original versions. Harry Potter dan Banduan Azkaban or Harry Potter dan Piala Emas, anyone?

Selama ini Harry Potter menyangka yang dia hanya seorang budak lelaki biasa, anak yatim piatu yang menumpang di rumah ibu dan bapa saudaranya - sehinggalah dia bertemu dengan seorang lelaki gergasi, mendaftar di Sekolah Ahli Sihir Hogwarts, belajar bermain dengan Quidditch, dan berjuang untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya.

Semua itu dialaminya kerana dia HARRY POTTER, SEORANG AHLI SIHIR

What do you think?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


jsfkhsewiohgsklhnbmfdnv qwdfha#3!!!txasifretu989wt843jksdgvsewé2e qwr35435%|z$\&|^76*zx^*&|z^*Z6*^|ZXX89|^%x8^^|&676YXIUA\IDaiyx7|z67|z5|ZXtgLI?H?:HDIDTGAUDTGKGXJFRDT&*A^S%%6\565^&%75675ythrehdfkgblfd,kb.fd,b fgkremgjyto the accounts test sucks big time.wreevturoyreyoreoyoryo///====l=/=/
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Old Skool

Diyanah (Yan), Ayu, Maliza
Nash, Qina, Wani, Hannim
Multi Purpose Room,Science Class

One of the places that have taught me many life lessons was absolutely KYS. Although I was constantly miserable there, and homesickness was an everyday routine, I terribly miss the place now. I wouldn't be the person I am today if not because of some important people I met there. There, I met real friends. When I look at this pic, it reminds me of the times we spent at the Bun Stall selling buns after class and doing the news rounds to the girls dorms. I love these people to bits.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


This isn't new anymore. We went for the expedition some months back. Because yours truly has just discovered how to put up pics in her blog, she wants to upload whatever she has in the desktop. Hence this one. In the pic are my group members. Left to right: Me, Grace, Fizah, Hooi Chan, and Wani. The camerawoman is Kimah.

Edit: I was too excited that I had posted a pic that was too large. The pics will be back soon, but only after I discover how to resize them. (Guess I haven't truly grasped the art of photo posting. Tula,riak sangat, padan muka. Astaghfirulllah..haih..)
~~I am in love~~

Have I ever told you that I love the rain? LOve it very very much, yes.And as I'm sitting here, I can see the beautiful raindrops outside. The pouring rain doesn't upset me like it does to others. I enjoyed watching the rain at home, it's even merrier.I know my father enjoys rain-watching too. You can see how everything turns misty before, during, and after the occasion. It's simply a fascinating sight for me. Subhanallah.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Hannim and Danish

The New Skin

Balqis or more affectionately known as Mak by her friends, taught me how to change my oh-so-boring blog skin. I don't think I am contented with what I have here, there's no skin that really caught my attention, but for the time being, this will do. I think I will learn how to create my own some time later. As of now, I sooo need to sudy my P3 and Econs, but there's only so much you can absorb in a day so I took some time off and figured out how to improve this site.

Pray for my Econs, P3, Statistics, and Accounts, will you?


Sunday, May 22, 2005


That did it. Am I that peculiar? Mr Conquest said in class that the Japanese tourists are peculiar. And I laughed. So I am weird, too. But this is not fair, which are the questions that imply that I am weird? Is it because I chose to gain 150 lb rather than being run over a truck? Who would want to be killed by a truck, anyway? Plus, I am already overweight, so it doesn't make that much a difference. Some of the questions are,
what colour do i prefer, blue or red. I chose red.
Do I change my towels often. Ok I change them every Monday and Thursday because thats when my fresh towel arrives from the laundry service.

I forgot other bits of the questions. Maybe I am somewhat weird, in what way? You tell me.

You Are 55% Normal

(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...

Other things you do are downright strange

You've got a little of your freak going on

But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

Postscrip: Ooops, I am somewhat normal. But 55%? Are you kidding me? The difference between me and some other weird person is only 5%?

Specially dedicated to Fizah, the birthday girl.

Today is Fizah's birthday. Happy birthday. She's been wonderful to me. So here's what her birthdate means:

Your Birthdate: May 21

Being born on the 21st day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life.

The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.

There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude.

You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression.

Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing.

You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.

You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters.

Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about.

You are affectionate and loving, but very sensitive.

You are subject to rapid ups and downs.

The quiz, yet again

Ok, I really have to stop this. Someone please ask me to stop..! What does your birthdate mean? I don't know, this is rather general I think. It doesn't reflect me all that much, but anyway, I just love the last line. I think at least some of them are true.

Your Birthdate: February 18

Your birthday on the 18th day of the month suggests than you are one who can work well with a group, but still remain someone who needs to maintain individual identity.

There is a humanistic or philanthropic approach to business circumstances in which you find yourself.

You may have good executive abilities, as you are very much the organizer and administrator.

You are broad-minded, tolerant and generous; a compassionate person that can inspire others with imaginative ideas.

Some of your feelings may be expressed, but even more of them are apt to be repressed.

There is a lot of drama in your personality and in the way you express yourself to others.

Oddly enough, you don't expect as much in return as you give.

The animal quiz

Ok. I have plenty of other things to do, I know. And answering some lame quiz is not one of them. But this is harmless, so I did it. The level of accuracy? I don't know. I am yet to discover how shallow I am. =)

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to obedience and warmth.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Labah-labah dan Diva.

I know it's a way too late to let ppl know that I love Spider's Relaku Pujuk. yes, I am a bit outdated. In fact, when Spider won the Juara Lagu for Best Song, I almost never knew the song at all. Yes, I am very very slow, don't have to remind me ok. But now, there's another song that I like. Its called Aku Dia Dan Kamu, by D-Va, a new cool band and the only female in the band is the vocalist. This girl is soo cute, I watched they performed in AIM the other day,(my intention was of course to watch Siti perform, but I went to Sarah's chalet just minutes before Siti took the stage, and regretted badly after that. Coming back to this band, I just love the vocalist, she didn't sound like Siti allright, but her energy on stage! That was something! She was practically jumping and doing the basic Avril Lavinge-style of singing. Here's the two songs I love:

Relaku Pujuk
Ku dikejar bayang-bayang resah
Bila hatimu masih tak berubah
Enggan dipunya dan dipenjara
Belaian cintaku ini
Aku bukan lelaki yang tewas
Bisa mengambang walau ku ditolak
Biar diuji kanan dan kiri
Kau kan tetap ku miliki

Tiada lafaz yang lebih agung
Kalimah cintamu
Yang ku tunggu-tunggu
Biar jasadku yang menanggung
Permainan darimu
Relaku pujuk

Janganlah kau salahkan aku
Terus memburu menawan cintamu
Daku percaya sedikit masa
Kau kecundang akhirnya

Usahlah kau bersedih
Dihadapanmu aku hadir
Memadam resah dan curiga dari hatimu
Apakah kali ini
Bisa kau tolak dan berlari
Setelah aku menanamkan azimatku

(Ulang korus 2x)

Biar jasadku yang menanggung
Permainan darimu
Relaku pujuk………

Aku Dia Dan KamuBetapa bodohnya diriku
Mau diduakan dirimu
Namun bila hati berbicara
Aku sayang padamu
Kau takkan pernah tinggalkannya
Di hatimu cuma dia
Tetap juga kau inginkan ku
Kini apa dayaku
Putuskan dia, oh, kasih
Agar ku tak disaingi
Sungguh ku benci dirimu yang
Tak bisa memilih

Namun harus kuakui
Sukar untuk lepaskanmu
Akhirnya aku undur diri
Demi dia dan kamu

Betapa bodohnya kau
Mau diduakan dirimu
Namun bila Hati bicara
Aku Sayang padamu

Bila saja terus terang
Apa yang kau ingin
Muak diriku dengan sikapmu


Friday, May 13, 2005


Early this morning, during subuh, I had to do a tazkirah in the surau. Was told yesterday and forgot all about it until about 1 am before retiring to bed. Thank God I have a folder full of tazkirah texts of different topics, but to choose one that is both suitable and interesting would be difficult. I reckoned it must not be too long and must be of appropriate topic as usually ppl won't give a long one after subuh.

This is what I picked:

12 Barisan Umat Muhamad di padang Mahsyar
Barisan Pertama - Manusia tanpa tangan dan kaki
Mereka di dunia suka menyakiti hati jirannya

Barisan kedua - Manusia berwajah khinzir hitam
Mereka di dunia melalaikan solat atau bersolat tetapi masih melakukan kemungkaran

Barisan ketiga - Manusia seperti baghal dengan perut seperti gunung
penuh dengan ular dan kala jengking
Mereka di dunia enggan mengeluarkan zakat

Barisan keempat - Manusia yang mengalir darah dari mulutnya
Mereka di dunia berdusta dalam berjual beli

Barisan kelima - Seperti angin yang bertiup berbau sangat busuk
Mereka di dunia menyembunyikan kederhakaan atau maksiat kerana manusia dan mereka tidak takut kepada Allah

Barisan keenam - Manusia yang tenggorok dan tengkoknya putus
Mereka di dunia menjadi saksi palsu, mengadakan cerita yang tidak berlaku menyebabkan orang teraniaya

Barisan ketujuh - Manusia tanpa lidah dan keluar darah dari mulutnya
Mereka di dunia enggan memberi kesaksian atau menyembunyikan sesuatu kemungkaran menyebabkan hukuman tidak dapat dijalankan

Barisan kelapan - Manusia berjalan terbalik (kaki ke kepala)
manusia yang melacurkan diri atau berzina tanpa bertaubat

Barisan kesembilan - Manusia berwajah hitam dan mata serta perutnya berapi
Mereka di dunia memakan harta anak yatim

Barisan kesepuluh - Manusia bertubuh penuh dengan lepera dan belak (sejenis penyakit kulit yang amat gatal)
Mereka di dunia menderhaka kepada ibu bapanya

Barisan kesebelas - Manusia yang buta matanya, giginya seperti tanduk, bibir melebar hingga ke dada, lidah terjulur sampai ke perut dan keluar kotoran yang sangat jijik
Mereka di dunia meminum arak

Barisan keduabelas - Manusia yang berwajah berseri dan bercahaya
Merekalah golongan beriman dan beramal soleh.

Kita di barisan mana?????????? renung - renungkan lah....

Sangat takut. Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa-dosa hambaMu ini. Amin.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mothers' Day

Happy birthday to my dearest Mama,my best friend, my earliest teacher, my shoulder to cry, my everything.

And also to everyone else who plays the most important role in every human being's life- mother.

Happy Mothers'Day. Have you wished your mom yet?

Stuffing myself

It's KYUEM's birthday today! Happy 7th birthday. Like any 7 year old, this college has still a long way to go. And oh yes, the party we had in the Great Hall was great! There wasn't much to look forward to actually, just the food.The food! That was marvellous. I went with an empty tummy. I was so hungry I could eat a horse. Too bad horses were not one of the dishes. I said to someone the other day that the Students Committee (whom we affectionately call the SC,the committee whom we've voted for and handles all college events) really want us to grow fat. They really do. They have this knack of ensuring everyone would at least gain some 10 kilos before retires to their chalets after each and every college event. They started off with the Nostalgic Night,in which the food was served by some hotel caterer from KL. I always have a hearty appetite, so I wouldn't want to waste all the money spent, so I tasted every single thing on the table, which was a lot. And on that night only, I believe I could have easily gained some 5 kilos. I kid you not!

The second one was Teachers' Day celebration. Well, they were supposed to be serving us with some refreshment,and that was just what they did. Apple danish and egg tarts! Did I ever mention I have a huge appetite? So again, under the pretext that 'membazir itu saudara syaitan', I dutifuly finish up my part. And because Jij did not like the egg tart, I had hers as well. So they you go, my diet will never work.

And tonight, again, the SC have managed to coerce me into abandoning my diet,yet again. I just can't resist the temptation. It was more because I had gone there starving,so it's just natural that everything they have had made my mouth water. With an armful of Domino's Pizza, a slice of Banana Chocolate Cake, sate with the my favourite nasi himpit kuah kacang, I was all set to stuff my face. And it just didn't help that Jij (my partner in crime) and Ida kept offering me this and that. After 1 pizza and cake, diminidhing marginal utility set in. realizing there were still may food uneaten, I only managed to nimble at them very,very slowly. First the sate, then sip some air oren,then the nasi goreng, sip some more air oren and repeat that until there was no more sate in sight. Fuih!

Penat sungguh makan
. But one think, unlike other girls who are conscious abot weight and how they look, I 'didn't really feel guilty. I don't know why. There is one little voice in me kept telling me that I had been a bad girl, if I keep overeating, God knows I will never ever start to lose weight. And I am not a teenager anymore (chewah perasan tua) that means I can never lose weight easily anymore. But that was all the voice did, It never actually made me stop eating or diminish my appetite. Oh hell, I would one day consult a doctor if it worries me too much. But as of today, I will not starve myself just to look good. Although I must say that I want to look good, I wish I could wear all those nicely made blouse in the magazines, I want to have that toned body. But the problem is me. I never had the strength to fight this appetite.

Oh to be fair, I did once, but I fell sick. It felt terrible. That was in form 2. I went on skipping my meals for 2 consecutive weeks. I just had Jacobs and Luxury biscuits. For a while, it felt good because I could feel my tummy getting flatter and flatter. But when I started to eat properly again,the food just won't stay in there, it wanted to come out.It got really bad when I had to run to the nearby bathroom after every meal. And when there wasn't really anthing in there,I still had the sickly feeling. Everyone started to notice then, much to my annoyance this time. I kept telling people that the vomiting was not self inflicted although I admitted that I had been skipping my meals. Until there was this one night during drama practice, I blacked out during the script reading. I just had no energy. I was hopitalised for the night. Pakyat (a senior who was also a Kedahan, and the headboy) brought me to see ustazah who later brought me to the hospital.(Someone had told me after I was back the next day). It wasn't fun. In the ward, I couldn't sleep. This nurse kept coming and injecting liquids in me. I suspected that they gave me some appetite booster and when I got back to college, the vomiting did no stop abruptly, but the amazing thing was I always felt hungry and suddenly my appetite was rocketing. I never tried to lose weight ever since. And everyone, including those senior boys who never talked to me before made a point to tell me, "hah, jangan nak diet2 dah, nanti pengsan lagi", everytime I walked pass them to class. It was embarrassing alright. Even the principal, Mr Ramli Maidin, started to be nice to me. You must know that this principal is not everyone's favourite and yet, I had been to his office more than those naughty boys that have been called because of their mischief. But there was another similarity between me and the principal that made the rapport grew, but that was a different story.

They you go, the conclusion is, I ate a lot. My diet is not working.I am feeling like a giantess right about now. Period.

Friday, May 06, 2005


I am lazy. That is a nice way of reasoning out when there isn't any entry for some days. Today is the same so I won't be saying much here. Just that I am sooo stressed up with the upcoming A2 exams. God,help me. 3 weeks more and I'm not able to say that I am ready yet. Too much to cover, still. So please pray for me. I need to able to get those As. I am as desperate as can be. Out.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Pong, May You Rest In Peace, and Teh, come home soon will you.

I am unstable.My head is groggy. I threw up twice since 4pm. I did not manage to finish up my homework. And just now wehen everyone is back in the chalet, i wish it was saturday again.

At about 1.45pm, mama called. Pong, my beloved cat is gone. She had just given birth barely two weeks ago to two kittens, named Amy and Awie, after Amy Search and Awie. But now, the mother is gone. According to mama, she had not been very healthy since the delivery. And we all knew Pong always had bout fever every now and then. But abah always told us that it was nothing serious, it might have been because she liked to eat all those weird insects. She ate everything, from lizards to frogs to ants, and everything else she could find. And it didn't help that she hadn't had a very good tummy. She puked like once in a fortnight. Abah had to take care of the mess when she did. No one else would do it. It would always be abah. Once it was on her bed. Everyone else (the cats and kittens) had to moved to some new futon. mama had to make a new place for them and throw the stained one. But it amazed me, how no one complained about these misbehaving cats. Its all due to the fact that we all love cats. We always have. When we were in Labuan, (i was just a small kid then, about 4 or 5) we used to have about 14 cats! My parents adore cats. And it runs in the family.

My cats: (according to when they came to live with us)

The late Pong.(She was closest to my brother Bob, God knows how Bob is feeling right now)
Anne (mother of Teh and Tam, she came when she's already anak dara,as mama puts it, she's a beauty,long grey haired this one)
Kay ( ni suka gigit orang ni)
Misae (pronounced misai,or misae,but abah calls him tok misai, and I am closest to this one)
Tam (ni macam the mask of zorro)
Teh (very the adorable)
and the youngest members in the family:
Awie and Amy. (I haven't been able to meet this two yet)

Postscript: I forgot to mention another sad news. Teh had been missing for about a week now. Mama also frogot to tell me this earlier. I guess they were all busy about Pong that this news came late to me. Mama suspected that someone had stolen her from our house. Abah said Teh was adorable, anyone would take her home. What's more, she's a pretty nice cat too. and clean. and adorable. Oh no, I miss her sooo much, Mama said don't be too hopeful, we might just lost her for good. It's just impossible for her to remember her way home. Oh Teh, please go home. I miss you soo much. I am missing my cats now.....

Monday, May 02, 2005

Short blog

Sometimes I find short blogs are fun. I think those people who have been able to post short entries in their blogs are just wonderful. So this is my attempt to be just like those wonderful people. Here. is. a. short. entry. from. me.

Takde la hebat pon..

English Genius
You scored 92% Beginner, 92% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 80% Expert!
You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!

Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!

For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog:

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 36% on Beginner

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You scored higher than 29% on Intermediate

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You scored higher than 86% on Advanced

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You scored higher than 78% on Expert
Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on Ok Cupid