Monday, October 18, 2004

exams nearing..

the exams are nearing but i'm not really sure whether i'm really prepared. this wed is business n one thing i hate about exam week here is not the exam, but having to go for classes in between. thats ridiculous isnt it? in utp, u dun have to go for lectures since the week before ur exams start. that way u cen really concentrate n i used to study for more than 12 hours a day there.
i guess i shouldnt be complaining though, since i've had 3 days break.. oh god!i've been wasting my break for not doing anything. by that i mean, really not doing anything!!! i know i shud have, but i just seem to sit in front of the book n stare at the sentences.nothing really comes in. oh help.. what's happening to me...
on that note, i really should leave this now n get back in my room n do some more revision (more staring, more like).. bye bye..

Friday, October 15, 2004

my very first

assalamualaikum. ahh.. finally, here's a blog from me. i've been reading others' blogs b4 this n i thot hey, thats a cool way of expressing urself.. i mean, u have a complete freedom to speak ur mind n not thinking of what ppl would say about u. whether their views sould differ fr urs or simply they dun think u make sense at all. i've always wanted to do that.

hmm. tomorrow would be the first ramadhan. am i prepared to perform my duties as a muslim this year? i hope i am. as a start, i have vowed to go for sahur more often than i did b4. to tell ya the truth, i'm the last person to wake up at home.. n my mom even laughed yes she did when i said i want to make sure i have my sahur every morning this year.. mama, i did say i'd try.. insyaAllah..

since today we've just got the internet connection back, i'd spend my nite chatting n surfing.. yay!.. oh that reminds me, i havent finished my accounts work! oh, studies come first, so this will have to be continued.. hehe. oh n yes.. slamat berpuasa everyone. may this ramadhan bring us prosperity n His blessings be upon us always.. bye

Barbie vs Bratz

i was browsing thru some old newspapers (courtesy of my chaletmate,dira) n suddenly came across this stories about barbie's latest rivals (eh, wut am i saying, she NEVER practically had any rivals before) BRATZ. meet the hip,not-really smiling, pouty-lipped,opiate-drugged eyed dolls with still emm.. very long hair. maybe some of you here would have heard about these newly created dolls, but for the sake of the people who haven't, i'm going to describe and elaborate more about why these dolls are regarded as the fastest contenders of the long established barbie who has been queen of the global doll world for , can you belive it, 43 years!

a BRATZ is 29.5cm tall which is 2.5cm shorter than barbie and voluptuos. were she human, she would stand 1.69 cm tall and weigh slightly more than 48 kg. whereas barbie would be a perfect 1.88cm tall and weigh 45 kg. to oppose the pencil skin barbie, these hip dolls do not dress like a fairy tale.ok, barbies have eversince evolved n take on new careers like princess, paleontologist,presedential candidate,paramedic etc, but she is most famous for her beautiful princess gowns with frilly laces and all. i personally think barbies are glamourous and that as kids, u want to be glamourous and live the fairytales just like barbies do.

but here comes bratz who portray the the life of the current teenagers. they don't dress in frilly dresses, they wear their hair in different colours, red, brown, indigo, orange,black, and only one doll is blonde.and the most significant of all is that Bratz are multiculural-there are Mexican, Asian, and little girls can imagine their dolls to be of their same natinality. or whatever thay want their dolls to become. this is truly to show that the manufacturers are against the concept of barbie which is an all American with blue eyes, blonde hair.

hmm.. overall, i think these Bratz may look a bit rebellious, but they certainly seem to attract the attention of kids as young as 4 years olds!as the manufacturer Isaac Larian says "If Barbie is about fantasy, then Bratz is about real life. It has to be". and the teory that lids do want to be older certainly helps them to sell. These kids who grow up on a diet of Britney Spears, Lizzie McGuire and Kim Possible, certainly regard the Bratz as their new 'IT' girls. It's what they want to become and it is definitely where thay are heading to. Bye bye Barbies, Welcome Bratz.

Hm.. i think i'll post some of the Bratz pics if i get the means to do it. since i'm still new on these things, it'll take some time though. i think they'd be some cool pics of these Bratz on the net as well. i'll see what i can do.

as for today, i'll be going out with Feeza the ever so famous city of Tanjung Malim? where in the world that is? find out urself.. i have no intention to spend some more time on here, so i'll just add later. so, wait for the "Tanjung Malim, The most happening place for boring ppl of KYUEM.". huhu..

So to all Muslims, selamat berbuka puasa!..